Kites - Kite Gear - Advance Kondor 2009 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

Advance Kondor (2009)

Kondor (2009)

De 2009 Advance Kondor in het kort.

At Advance the new Kondor 3 has just been born, a dedicated freestyle and wakestyle kite. Following the international success of the Kaiman in the wave style, freeride and race, Advance wanted to concentrate its know how on the newly redeveloped Kondor 3 specially designed for the most radical of the powerstylers. The result of this work is the new Kondor 3 with its traditional "C" shape and with a more forward profile, deeper canopy and Skeleton frame in light Dracon for extra strength. New to the Kondor 3 is the pumping system "TWP" (Two Way Pump) which allows you to pump the kite from the usual leading edge point and give accurate pressure to each individual bladder.






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