Kites - Kite Gear - Epic Tutor 2012 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

Epic Tutor (2012)

Geschikt voor beginners

Tutor (2012)
Tutor (2012)

De 2012 Epic Tutor in het kort.

At Epic, we're about providing innovative products that take your game to the next level. The TUTOR is a revolutionary training kite designed to improve the training experience, giving new riders a tool that acts like a full size inflatable kite. For the first time, instructors can use the TUTOR in their lesson plans and get students familiar with rigging, sheeting and flight characteristics at an earlier stage. In most lessons, students start on a small foil kite learning flight basics, and then move to a larger full powered kite having to relearn kite dynamics. With the TUTOR, you can bridge this learning gap and have students feel comfortable and safe on this 4 line training system.

The TUTOR is a one strut, light weight training kite that can be used in the water or on land. "For the first time, I can now show students how to properly rig a 4 line kite, fly and water launch using the same tool. This dramatically speeds up the pace of the lesson where they'd normally be introduced to a 4 line kite at a later portion. The benefit is that there is no re-learning taking place, and you can build a better foundation... it's all done with the same kite," said Brian Ready, PASA certified instructor, who has been testing the TUTOR. He went on to say, "I had always found a learning curve with students when they went from a traditional training kite to an LEI. The TUTOR fills this gap and allows me to do nearly all the training in the water or snow, where they will actually be riding".

For the adventurous rider, the TUTOR can be used in very strong winds where a Junior Pro is a little too much. Young riders getting into the sport will find the TUTOR a great kite to take their first water starts or cut trails in fresh powder. This kite can be used with the Junior Pro bar so that there is no learning curve or different bar feel to youngsters. But also in 35 knots with a surfboard, the TUTOR is the perfect solution for those nukin' days where advanced riders can use the EXTEND bar for maximum versatility. One kite, three bar options!

The TUTOR is designed to familiarize students with larger kites at an earlier stage by replicating the design and feel. The one strut design offers a lightweight, stable kite that can be flown in winds varying from light to strong. The control bar has a sheeting system and can be tuned using the depower strap and bridle attachment points. Students can hook into the kite when ready and experience the sheeting system, but yet feel confident in their safety. For the instructor, the TUTOR can be used in all of your flight control exercises including the assisted launch/land and body dragging. Once they are ready for the waterstart, switch to a larger kite like the Renegade and watch them succeed! The TUTOR is the perfect teaching tool and can also be used by advanced riders for those extremely windy days - proudly presented by EPIC.



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