Kites - Kite Gear - Naish Bolt 2012 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

Naish Bolt (2012)

Geschikt voor beginners

Bolt (2012)
Bolt (2012)

De 2012 Naish Bolt in het kort.

Target: For riders demanding superior stability, direct bar feel, fast turning and easy jumping over the broadest range of conditions.

Built on our award-winning Sigma platform and featuring the Evolutive Profile, the Bolt is power-oriented in the large sizes and control-focused in the smaller sizes. The Geo-Tech construction maintains the shape, ensuring outstanding stability and control even in the gustiest conditions.

The Bolt carries a reputation as the ultimate kite, in terms of stability and versatility. It is the kite of choice for Robby Naish.

Design Characteristics:
* Proven stable Sigma platform
* Direct response bar feel
* Outstanding high-end control
* Versatility in gusty conditions


What's New: For 2012, we concentrated on improving control over the kite's wind range in three ways. 1. The wing tip angles (direct response steering) have been reworked in all sizes, to create less drag on the kite; 2. The arc in the center area has been rounded out. This increases the surface in the middle of the kite and allows the trailing edge curve to match the leading edge shape perfectly; 3. We developed a new automated application involving the calculations of the leading edge's moment of inertia, Young modulus, and air pressure, to generate the perfect LE diameter for each kite size.

The Result: 1. The kite is able to fly faster and further forward in the window, providing more lift efficiency, better low-end and all-around stability. 2. The kite generates more power in the low end and is more lift efficient. 3. Each kite size has ideal LE rigidity and the smallest drag possible, to fly as far forward as possible.










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