Warning 1st-kite Brussels


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Antwoord #25 Februari 14, 2010, 17:44:08
so just to finish this story, here is what happened.
there was no contact possible with Arnaud, not by phone and not by mail, even when he was supposed to be back.

so the foilzone user VinzBE did me a big favor and went personally to the shop to solve the problem. it was made very clear to him that Arnaud would not reimburse my money. he said that the 2 week rule for returning something only applies to new stuff, not used. i just wonder then why i have a 1 year guarantee written in my bill...and why he kept me waiting for months and told me personally on the telephone that it´s not a problem, i would get my money back.

so the only thing that could be achieved was that he would send the kite back to me. one day later i got a confirmation from Ups that the kite was shipped and i received it 2 days ago.

Flysurfer really tried to help a lot too and talked to Arnaud...they were told that the kite was returned by me in a much worse condition. but what would you expect from someone who does business like this...my weight is 65 kg and i ride in the buggy in very light winds, i cannot even kite on the water and sand and saltwater is very far away from where i live. so this accusation is just totally ridiculous.

anyway i am back to the beginning and i will have to try to sell the kite and hope to get some of my money back.

i can only warn every other kiter to do any kind of business with 1-st kite. especially when it comes to used stuff. it´s very easy to give a wrong description, sell something and then refuse any contact and just keep the money. if you cannot afford a good lawyer chances are you will never see your money again.
so i hope lots of people read this and make their own decision if they want to support a shop like this or not.

a big thank you again to VinzBE and Flysurfer for all your efforts !

Berichten: 914
Antwoord #26 Februari 15, 2010, 12:13:36
They definitely never learned how marketing works. Anyway, I'm never going to buy there that's for sure. And wont advice it to anyone aswell, bettter I will advice not to buy there!

1-ste kite Brussels blacklisted.


Berichten: 844
Antwoord #27 Februari 15, 2010, 20:47:32
Never expected this kind of rip-off tactics in the current kitesurfing scene. They don't deserve to be the dealer of flysurfer or any other brand.
Good luck by selling your kite, and I hope we'll never hear from this shop again.
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