PKRA Brazil


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Juli 25, 2011, 10:52:38
The Kitesurf Windriders PKRA Brazil 2011 beach location has been changed and upgraded to the amazing Barra Do Cunhau beach. 
This was the former location of the PKRA Kiteracing Brazil 2009, where the PKRA discovered the amazing freestyle conditions of this location.  Barra Do Chunhau is 85 km from the Natal international airport, and 8 km from the world famous town of Pipa. It sits on a large river mouth allowing for smooth flat water and steady wind to match the perfect freestyle conditions only found in Pointe Magnin, PKRA New Caledonia, or  Dakhla, PKRA Morocco.  In addition the town’s abundant shrimp farms provide what PKRA’s race director Olaf Vantol quoted as, “The best shrimp dinners I have ever had”  .
PKRA believes the event organizer Dream Factory Sports, has made the right decision to move the event, and expects a spectacular freestyle event at this beautiful and windy Brazilian Beach.
The Kitesurf Windriders PKRA Brazil 2011 is organized by Dream Factory Sports and sponsored in part by Volkswagen, the Tourism Ministry and the Rio Grande Do Norte Government.

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