A Freeride Project rail set - Court, Hadlow, Cunnigham


Berichten: 2655
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Juli 11, 2014, 12:49:15


The 2014 Triple-S invitational is one of the world biggest wake style kiteboarding events. Hosted every year by Real Watersports, it is a unique place to ride. With the Wave kickers on the sea and the full slider park that can be set up in the sound, there is a bit of everything.

After the event I linked up with Aaron Hadlow and Craig Cunningham and we had a Freeride session on the North rooftop rail. A few freestyle tricks thrown in for good measure.

Riders: Aaron Hadlow, Craig Cunnigham, Tom Court

Filmed by: www.bebeach.com (Sophie Mathews)
Edited: Tom Court

Contests Results:

Men's Surf:
1st -- Aaron Hadlow (GBR) $4,000
2nd -- Sam Light (GBR) $1,700
3rd -- Tom Court (GBR) $900

Men's Slicks:
1st -- Aaron Hadlow (GBR) $4,000
2nd -- Brandon Scheid (USA) $1,700
3rd -- Rick Jensen (DEU) $900

Men's Sliders:
1st -- Sam Light (GBR) $4,000
2nd -- Brandon Scheid (USA) $1,700
3rd -- Chad Worrall (USA) $900

Women's Surf:
1st -- Victoria Soloveykina $1,600
2nd -- Hope Levin $650
3rd -- Colleen Carroll $350

Women's Slicks:
1st -- Colleen Carroll $1,600
2nd -- Victoria Soloveykina $650
3rd -- Hope Levin $350

Women's Sliders:
1st -- Colleen Carroll $1,600
2nd -- Claire Lutz $650
3rd -- Sensi Graves $350


Ik zie hier Hadlow ook op een North Hadlow boardje voorbij komen, zou hij nu ook een eigen lijn bij North krijgen ?

Berichten: 15917
Logs: 0 | 308 uur
Antwoord #1 Juli 12, 2014, 08:22:18
De zouden gek zijn om Hadlow geen eigen lijn te geven.
Er zijn al foto's op internet te vinden met de nieuwe Vegas met Hadlow erop gedrukt...welke North nu met alle macht probeert te verwijderen
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