Ongeluk @ Wijk aan Zee


Berichten: 264
Antwoord #100 September 03, 2010, 22:22:00
Hello Stefan,

Thank you for sharing valuable  info  about your accident and I hope you will fully recover and able kiting again some day (maybe your kid will become a pro !). Having the same accident again won't happen very likely. One can say that kiting changed your life twice yet.

It is scary to read that you "didn't see or feel any danger" even just before the accident.
Almost looks like years of experience is working against you from some point on(over-confidence).
I am -again- aware now accidents can happen to anyone because we all human and keep making mistakes  The second biggest mistake is probably  thinking it gonna happen to everyone else accept yourself. The biggest mistake is that we humans often think we are stronger than mother Nature !!
But all this is "achteraf gelul"  we say in Dutch.  loser
 What I would like to know if one of your friends (the windsurfer) saw what  exactly happened. The discussion going on at Hanglos website about your accident is worthwhile reading

 Regards, Theo
Lord of the Boards

Berichten: 869
Antwoord #101 September 04, 2010, 00:42:04
Hi Stefan,

You are one lucky bastard and we are all sooo glad you're still with us! Get well soon and get your ass back on the water if you can.

Thanks for sharing and all the best luck with you're recovery!



Berichten: 1804
Antwoord #102 September 04, 2010, 10:49:44
Great to put your story  at the web.
You had been going through the eye of the needle, but you're still there. That must have a big impact to you, and you surroundings..
Hope you will fully recover, and are able to jump at your board a.s.a.p. in safer conditions..

All the Luck,


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Berichten: 2272
Antwoord #103 September 04, 2010, 11:00:29
Hej Stefan,

As they say, so do I: thank you for sharing your story.

I am really glad you made it, for your wife and little daughter as well. I do know these accidents happen to beginners and experienced riders as well, but normally the pro's dont survive or act cool as if nothing happened.
You got me thinking though, since I see myself as quite experienced as well, about the small errors wich can cause huge trouble.

I wish you and your family all the best and hope you will be able to somehow get back on the water!



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Berichten: 6
Antwoord #104 September 10, 2010, 00:27:35
Hi Stefan.

What a good news, I can only imagine the pain and scare you must have had. On the beach and afterwards in the hospital.

Saw you flying through the air and bouncing on the beach, not a pretty sight.

I can still remember your face, your head being held in position by your friends.
We others try to arrange the help and assist the ambulance guys and strapping you to the orange stability plate.
Und alles ein bischen übersetzen zwischen deutsch, hollandisch und englisch  Wink

So good to hear all operations where succesfull!

All the best.
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