International Federation of Kitesports - IFKO


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Oktober 15, 2015, 11:29:08
Tegelijk met de aankondigingen van de IKA en VKCW heeft zich een derde partij gemeld op het internationale wedstrijd niveau:

To all Kitesports Organisations and Kiteriders in the World:

A new Era has began for Kitesports: like all Sports having the right to that designation, Kitesports has created its own International Federation: International Federation of Kitesports Organisations - IFKO. Like FIFA to Football, ISTF to Soft Tennis, WFDF to Flying Disc or IDBF to Dragon Boat Sports, etç... we now have the reins of our own Sport!

IFKO was created to provide services to develop and protect the interests of Athletes, Practitioners and their Organisations: the National Associations (that will become now "Federations") and the International Organisations of Kitesports.

Every kiterider: Kitesurfer, Snowkiter or Landkiter is welcome to participate in the future of Kitesports, starting by being part of your own Country Federation that now has the right to self-determination.

All the IFKO Working Team, from the Governing Bodies to the Working Committees are Kiteriders and have been selected for their great sense of mission, integrity, impartiality and responsibility... and a great spirit of unity to gather all the real Kiteriders in one, on the same path to success.

The international axis is finally settled with IFKO, so let´s build the future our own Sport all together!

Diogo Paes Fernandes&Jean Pierre Pouleau
Presidents of the two IFKO co-founders Members“

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Antwoord #1 Oktober 15, 2015, 12:46:00
Nah evan, nu weet je nog niks.

Hier de link:

Oftewel: 2 honden vechten om een been, en de 3e gaat er mee heen.

(eeeuh, waarheen dan? kiters kennende, slaan de bestaande federaties (met en zonder geld)  elkaar toch tot moes, en dan kan deze beschaafd aanschuiven bij een olympisch comittee.
Je lacht je toch rot

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Antwoord #2 Oktober 15, 2015, 12:55:42
Volgende keer gelijk de Engelse link posten aub, dat kunnen meer mensen lezen:
(keer er overheen op de franse pagina....)
Marco B.

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Antwoord #3 Oktober 15, 2015, 18:11:52
bobo club net als de ISAF.
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