New OutLeader kite videos

Januari 27, 2005, 21:39:00
Two new vids; the first is a "Set, fly and douse" showing what the kite looks like as its set, flying and just how--and how long--it takes to retrieve. This is a 72 meter kite aboard a 10 meter monohull in Sydney, Aus.

Second vid is of the 66' racing skiff "AAPT" (ex "Grundig") flying her 420 meter kite outside of Sydney Harbour.


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Antwoord #1 Januari 28, 2005, 11:35:51
leuk, maar wat heeft dit met zelfbouw te maken??

Berichten: 271
Antwoord #2 Januari 28, 2005, 15:55:16
Hello Dave,

Do you constantly have to steer the kite once it is in the air ? Or is it stable on itself ?
Constant steering is not what the average sailor is looking for when taking the boat out for a weekend I presume. For racing it's ok I think.



Antwoord #3 Januari 31, 2005, 21:19:07
Do you constantly have to steer the kite once it is in the air ? Or is it stable on itself ?
Constant steering is not what the average sailor is looking for when taking the boat out for a weekend I presume. For racing it's ok I think.
Much like any kite, Johan; or any spinnaker. We have cleated the kite off and run under autopilot for more than an hour, offshore in waves, but the kite would fly better if tended. It does not need constant tweaking, but it will eventually crash if ignored. The kite is designed for racing, with much additional power. It is not designed as a "set and forget" cruising kite. That is for another day.  ;-)

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