Kites - Kite Gear - Caution! Kites Mayhem 2008 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

Caution! Kites Mayhem (2008)

Mayhem (2008)

De 2008 Caution! Kites Mayhem in het kort.

Kite Features

  • Improved stability which is great if you are just now picking up the basics of kitesurfing.
  • Precise turning and good responsiveness.
  • Safer than ever before on water thanks to the turbo inflation system.

The 2008 Mayhem should be very appealing to any surfer that is looking for a kite that can turn incredibly well without sacrificing any of the safety. The kite is so stable that you can perform lightning-fast turns at high speeds. The Mayhem also offers good boosting (thanks to the new profile) and long airtimes. If you are into new-school unhooked tricks or freestyle riding, then you must know that the modified sheeting angles ensure you will get what you want out of this kite. One of the major issues that the people at Caution wanted to address was safety. They wanted to make the Mayhem as secure as possible for all riders regardless of their skill level. Consequently they came up with a system that allows control bar rotation and safe unhooked riding. They also fitted the kite with a proper safety leash system that keeps all types of types of riders safe and secure.



The Caution Mayhem has a very convenient wingtip control system. Thanks to this system you can fully customize he kite’s performance and thus get the exact amount of bar pressure, depower and turning speed that you want.


The Caution Mayhem has a very durable single turbo inflation system. It would take a road roller to break the connections or lockout valves, and even if you do manage to break them you could always go to the hardware store and pick up the parts needed to mend it.

Why you should get the Caution Mayhem:

  • Top end build quality.
  • Unique handling characteristics.
  • Remarkable turning speed, direct and responsive bar dynamics, optimized bar pressure.
  • Easy to fly hooked or unhooked.







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