Caution! Kites Spitfire (2012)
De 2012 Caution! Kites Spitfire in het kort.
The 2012 Spitfire is an extremely exciting evolution in Caution's 6 years of experimentation and development in the C-Shape SLE high depower kite design. Our latest offering finds the perfect blends between mind blowing performance, flying reliability, and construction durability. We are building the best kite on the market, whether you ride the surf, launch old school freestyle, or unhook and pass the handle, you will find the stability, quickness, sheeting feel unsurpassed by any of other style of kite.
The core design principles behind the Spitfire is to design a kite that responds to the riders bar input immediately with no lag, delay or wind up. The Spitfire delivers lightning fast response and turning speed which helps kiters place the kite exactly where they want it when they need it.
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Caution! Kites Spitfire 2012
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